
Apple iOS 11 Starts Causing Problems

Apple iOS 11 is packed full of features (including many secret ones), but following reports of several bugs my Upgrade Guide advised iPhone users in particular should hold off updating. This now looks a wise move because iOS 11 is causing problems…

A new report from mobile security firm Wandera exposes the issue: iOS 11 a battery killer.

Cutting through the usual subjective battery life complaints iPhone and iPad users often post online after an iOS update, Wandera found concrete evidence of serious degradation. It did this by monitoring a “subset of 50,000 moderate to heavy iPhone and iPad users” on its networks running iOS 11 and iOS 10.

The result: battery life for iOS 11 upgraders is decaying over twice as fast as those running iOS 10.

Breaking this down, Wandera reports iPhones running iOS 10 can be used for 240 minutes on average before the battery dies. Meanwhile iPhones running iOS 11 last just 96 minutes on average – a massive 60% decline.

So if you have not yet update it might be worth holding off I have noticed my phone I would normally be at 50% when getting home from work but since updating I am at 30-35% with the same usage I am on the iPhone 7 and also my works iPhone 6 is similar its not used as much.

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