Guides Microsoft Windows 10 Windows 7

How to solve “Bitlocker drive encryption paused and doesn’t resume”?

Following is several solutions to solve “Bitlocker drive encryption paused and doesn’t resume” in Windows 10/8/7/Vista.

Solution 1: Run chkdsk on Bitlocker encrypted drive

We suggest you to suspend BitLocker drive encryption, turn it off and then check the issue with chkdsk command.

Solution 2: Resume Bitlocker drive encryption process

1. Press Windows key + X and select Command prompt(Admin).

2. Type manage-bde -protectors –disable drive letter: (eg: Type manage-bde -protectors –disable D:)

3. Once you have completed your tasks and then start the encryption process by typing “manage-bde -resume drive letter:”

4. Once the encryption is complete, then type “manage-bde -protectors -enable drive letter:”

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