Apple has announced “Watch the Sound with Mark Ronson,” a new docu-series exploring groundbreaking technology in music slated to debut on Apple TV+ in the summer. The six-part series, which will debut on July 30, 2021, hails from Academy Award-winning producer Morgan Neville and will be hosted by Grammy Award-winning musician, music producer, and DJ […]
Amazon reinstated support for YouTube on its Fire TV platform in July, while Google enabled Amazon Prime video streaming through Chromecast devices. In the latest development, YouTube TV is available on Amazon’s Fire TV platform, meaning users can stream live television and use an unlimited cloud-based DVR. YouTube TV aims to replace traditional cable TV […]
Epic Games is utilizing its lawsuit against Apple to accuse the iPhone maker of being notably grasping. Professional witness Eric Barns testified that Apple supposedly had an App Store working margin of 77.8 percent in 2019, itself a hike from 74.9 percent in 2018. He additionally rejected Apple witness’ claims that you just could not […]