
Apple’s credit card could arrive in the first half of August

According to a new report from Bloomberg, the launch of the Apple Card is imminent. Customers based in the U.S. should be able to order the new credit card at some point during the first half of August.

Rumor has it that the most recent update of iOS contains everything needed for the Apple Card. The company can flip a server-side switch in order to launch the card.

Bloomberg also reported a few weeks ago that Apple’s retail employees have been able to sign up to the Apple Card and test it before the official release date.

Getting a product like this off the ground is no easy feat, especially given that Apple’s decision to partner with Goldman Sachs meant two very different corporate cultures (Silicon Valley vs Wall Street) had to work together. Bloomberg reports that the two companies split up many of the responsibilities but worked together on the new technology. Along the way, Apple allegedly asked the bank to make changes regarding the card’s mechanics. But it appears that the core features Apple first touted survived.

While Apple hasn’t confirmed the August release date, we do know that employees and retail workers have been testing the card for several weeks.

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