
Twitter will give you control over who can reply to tweets

Twitter is set to enable you to control replies to tweets further as it continues its battle to improve what it calls “conversational health” on the platform in other words, preventing people having the opportunity to interject abuse and unwanted comments into conversations.

With the new feature, you’ll be able to restrict the replies to people you follow or stop replies completely. People who are mentioned in tweets can also be set to reply, so you can effectively have a group chat perhaps discussing a professional topic you want others to see but not give their own input.

The new controls should arrive later in 2020.

You can expect a handful of other improvements as well. You’ll see a specific conversation view with threading, and the discussion interface that first popped up in Twitter’s testing app will reach the main app in the months ahead. Lists are getting improvements, too, including customization of the list display as well as screens that help you find useful lists.

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