
Netflix testing a timer feature on Android devices that stops streaming after set period

Netflix is launching a global test today on Android devices that will allow subscribers to set a timer for their viewing period.

A select number of users will see a clock icon when they watch something. If you tap it, you’ll be able to select a time setting between 15, 30 or 45 minutes, or the end of the episode or movie you’re streaming. After that time, the app will stop playing the video.

Although the test is limited to select users globally with Android devices right now, Netflix will explore bringing it to other devices, including TV sets and desktops, depending on how widely the product is adapted and if subscribers seem to like it, according to the company.

If the test is successful and Netflix users embrace the feature, the company might roll it out to other devices. For now, the sleep timer is only available on adult profiles.

To use the feature, follow the below directions:

Choose and play your favorite TV show or movie on your mobile device.
In the upper right corner, subscribers will see a clock icon that is labeled Timer.
Tap on Timer.
Select 15, 30, 45 minutes, or “Finish Show.”

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